g) Repeat this step to pass the other aileron servo wire
through the other wing panel.
h) Fit the servo into the servo mount in the wing panel, (note
that the servo is positioned so that the servo arm is at the forward
end toward the wing leading edge). Take up any slack in the servo
chord as you insert the servo in the mount. Use a pin vise and a
small drill bit to drill small pilot holes in the servo mount for the
servo mounting screws. Use the screws supplied with your radio
system to mount the servo in place on the servo mount. Repeat
this procedure to mount the servo in the opposite wing panel.
2) Note that the CA Hinges are installed, but not yet glued, in
the ailerons and wing panels. The installation process for the
hinges is the same for all of the control surfaces on this model.
a) If you removed the ailerons and hinges from the wing panels
when you tightened the covering material, reinstall them now.
First insert the four CA Hinges into the slots in the aileron. Put
two pins in the center of each hinge, up against the leading edge
of the aileron, to keep the hinges centered during the next step.
b) Now carefully insert the exposed portion of the four hinges
into the trailing edge of the wing. You will find it easiest to slide
the hinges into the slots at angle, one hinge at a time, instead of
trying to push it straight onto all the hinges at once.
c) Adjust the aileron so that the tip of the aileron is flush with
the wing tip. The ailerons should be tight against the pins in the
hinges to minimize the gap between the wing and the aileron. The
aileron is now in the proper position for permanently gluing them
in place with thin CA glue.
d) Flex the aileron down and hold it in this position. Remove
the pins from one hinge and then carefully apply 3-4 drops of Thin
CA glue directly onto the hinge in the gap. You will notice that the
glue is quickly wicked into the slot as it penetrates both the wood
and the hinge. We suggest using a fine tipped applicator on the
glue bottle to better control the flow of glue.
e) Turn the part over and glue the other side of the hinge. Con-
tinue this process until you have glued both sides of all the hinges!
Keep a rag handy to wipe off any excess Thin CA glue. (If you
get some glue smears on the plastic covering, don't worry about
them right now. Once all the hinging is done, you can clean the
smears off the covering with CA Debonder).
f) Let the glue dry 10-15 minutes before flexing the hinges. At
first you might notice a little stiffness in the joint. This will go away
after the hinges have been flexed back and forth a couple dozen
From the kit contents locate:
(2) Nylon Control Horns
(6) M2 x 14 mm Screws
(2) 6-3/4” long Pushrod Wires with M2 Hex Nut
(2) Metal R/C Clevis
(2) Pushrod Snap Keepers
(2) small pieces of Fuel Tubing
3) Mount the Nylon Control Horns on the bottom of the ailerons.
a) Look closely and you will see three holes pre-drilled in the
bottom of the ailerons for mounting the nylon control horns. Screw
a M2 x 14mm screw into each hole. Screw them all the way in,
and then screw them all the way back out. This creates threads
in the hardwood block in the ailerons. With the screws removed,
put one drop of thin CA ngue into each hole. Let dry before pro-
ceeding. This hardens the threads for long life.
b) When dry, mount the control horn in position on the bottom
of the aileron with the screws. Do the same for the other aileron.
4) Next assemble and install the aileron pushrods.
a) Slide a short piece of Fuel Tubing onto the small end of the