The KADET SENIOR ARF requires a standard 4-channel radio
system and five standard servos. In addition, you'll need two 12"
long Servo Extension Chords (actual length needed will depend
on how long the wires are coming off your servos - be sure to dou-
ble check your servos and plan accordingly), and one standard Y-
Harness Chord for connection of the two aileron servos to the
The biggest decision you will have to make is whether to power
your KADET SENIOR with a glow engine (2-stroke or 4-stroke) or
an electric motor. We have flown the KADET SENIOR on a vari-
ety of both types of power systems, and we make the following
recomendations based on our successful on-field experience.
We recommend the following size for the KADET SENIOR ARF.
2-STROKE - .40 to .53 cu. in.
4-STROKE - .50 to .61 cu. in.
Don’t let the large size of the KADET SENIOR fool you! Due to
it’s huge wing area, very light wing loading, and slow flight enve-
lope, these engines will provide ideal power for training or general
sport flying the KADET SENIOR. In fact, we can tell you that we
have flown a SENIOR carrying a half gallon of fuel on cross-coun-
try flights using a 1970s vintage classic K&B 40 (non-schnuerle)
engine, without problem. Don’t overpower the KADET SENIOR!
Whatever brand engine you choose, take the time to carefully
break it in according to the manufacturer's instructions. A good
running, reliable engine is a minimum requirement for the enjoy-
ment of this or any R/C model aircraft.
NOTE: If you intend to use your KADET SENIOR for “heavy lift-
ing”, or choose a larger engine than listed above, please use cau-
tion. The light wing loading and light structure of the slow flying
KADET SENIOR is designed to handle normal flight loads when
using the above recommended engines for training and sport fly-
ing. If larger engines are used that result in higher speeds, or if
heavy loads are being carried, the modeler is responsible for tak-
ing steps to reinforce the high stress points of the airplane to in-
sure its structural integrity under those abnormal flight loads.
Refer to the engine manufacturer’s instructions for recommenda-
tions on proper propeller size for their engine. In our experience,
most 2-stroke .40-.46 glow engines will fly the KADET SENIOR
very nicely with a 10x6 or 11-6 prop.
The KADET SENIOR SPORT has been flown with motors rated
from 600 to 1100 watts. While this range is quite wide, it illlus-
trates the versatility of the KADET's light wing loading. This air-
plane can fly with minimal power for realistic flight, or with extra
Congratulations on your purchase of the KADER SENIOR
SPORT ARF. The SIGKADET SENIOR has a long and illustrious
history in R/C flying. It originally came on the scene in the early
1980s, designed by AMA Hall of Fame modeler Claude McCul-
lough. The first KADET SENIOR was a build-it-yourself kit for 3-
channel control - elevator, rudder, and throttle, with no ailerons.
The KADET SENIOR rapidly earned a reputation as the easiest
to fly R/C trainer in the world. Tens of thousands of newcomers
successfully learned to fly R/C with a KADET SENIOR. In addi-
tion, the versatile KADET SENIOR has been “kit bashed” for use
in many other applications besides training - like float flying, ban-
ner and glider tow, aerial cameras, lights for night flying, etc.
Many builders added ailerons to their wing for “full house” control.
The KADET SENIOR’S light wing loading and slow flight charac-
teristics are perfect for all these applications.
This almost-ready-to-fly version of the KADET SENIOR is 100%
true to the original’s outstanding flying characteristics, yet gets
you into the air quickly. It also comes with ailerons as standard
equipment! To make the ailerons more effective, the dihedral
angle has been reduced from the original design.
Assembly of your KADET SENIOR SPORT is fast and simple
when following the detailed instructions in this manual. We urge
you to read this assembly manual completely before assembly.
Familiarize yourself with the parts and the assembly sequences.
The successful assembly and flying of this airplane is your re-
sponsibility. If you deviate from these instructions, you may wind-
up with problems later on.
We hope you will enjoy this legendary R/C model. We’re confi-
dent you will love the way it flies! Let’s get started!
If this is your first R/C Aircraft PLEASE READ THIS!
As already mentioned, the KADET SENIOR ARF is a perfect
model for learning to fly R/C. However, it is important to under-
stand that if you have never flown an R/C model before, you will
need to find a qualified R/C flight instructor to test fly the airplane
and teach you how to fly it. If this is your first radio control model
attempt to fly it by yourself without a qualified
In addition to this kit, you will need the following items to complete
your KADET SENIOR and make it flyable.