Install the aileron servo mounting plate SM and it's brace SMB on the inboard
side of W-6 as shown on the plans. The bottom of this should be flush with the
building board.
Starting at W-1 and working out to the tip, pull the leading edge sheeting up
against the bottom of the ribs and glue them to the ribs. Thin CA works great for
this operation, with the help of some accelerator.
Get the shaped 1/4"x1/2" (6.4x12.7mm) shaped leading edge and glue it in place.
The angled edge should be on the bottom against the sheeting and the side
should be flush with the nose of the ribs.
Fit and install the 1/8" (3mm) lite ply tip W-11. Taper the rear of W-11 in the
hatched area. The front of W-11 should touch the back of the leading edge and
W-9 and the trailing edge of this piece should just touch the tip of W-9 at the
trailing edge.
Now glue the top spar to the W-11 wing tip. When dry cut the trailing edge
sheeting out where the aileron will go in.
Shape the top of the aileron spar until it matches the tops of the ribs.
Glue one of the pre-shaped trailing edge sheets to the ribs and along the trailing
edge and to the tip outline. To allow working time here it is best to use SIG-Bond
glue to hold the top sheeting to the ribs and spars.
Be sure to pin the sheets down securely while the glue dries.
Taper the other two top leading edge
sheeting from 2-3/4" (69.9mm) at the
root to 1-1/2" (38.1mm) at the tip.
True up and bevel the front edge of this
sheet so it is a perfect match to the rear
of the leading edge.
Spread SIG-Bond on the ribs and spar
then use thin CA to attach the sheeting
to the leading edge at an angle that
matches the front of the ribs. Now pull
the rear of the sheeting down to the ribs
and pin in place until the glue dries. If
you have trouble getting the sheet to
conform you can give it a spray of water
on the outside to help it follow the curve
of the ribs.
Trim and add the curved W-12 to the top of the tip between the sheets.