Repeat on the left side. Tighten the setscrews on the connectors, remove the
clamps holding the rudders, and then check for proper throw direction and travel.
These rudders are very effective so not much travel is needed.
Because you will be connecting three different plugs whenever you mount the
wing, it’s a good idea to use small tape labels on the mating pairs for easy
identification. Color electricians tape works great for this purpose.
Decal Application
The decals supplied with your Do 217 kit are high quality Mylar® with an extremely aggressive adhesive. These are not
die cut and must be removed from the sheet using a hobby knife and/or a sharp #11 blade or a sharp pair of scissors. We
suggest the following method to accurately apply the larger decals in this kit.
Carefully cut out the decal and lift it off the sheet with tweezers.
Use a product like SIG Pure Magic Model Airplane Cleaner or Windex® to spray the area of the model that will
receive the decal. Then spray the adhesive side of the decal as well.
Lightly position the decal in place on the model. The liquid cleaner allows the decal to slide easily into the desired
position as long as you don't press down on it.
Once you have it in position, hold the decal lightly in place with your fingertips and use a paper towel to gently dab
away the excess liquid.
Use a small squeegee to now set the decal in place, removing all excess liquid and any trapped air bubbles from
beneath the decal. The SIG 4" Epoxy Spreader (SIGSH678) is ideal for the job.
Remove any excess fluid with a paper towel and allow the decals to set overnight. They will be solidly adhered to
the model without any air bubbles.
Option Safety Tip
For safety and convenience we like to install a master switch in the battery harness between the drive batteries and the
ESC's. This must be accessible from the outside of the airplane to be effective.
Control Throws
Mount the wing to the fuselage with all connectors plugged into the receiver and
battery harness. Check to make sure all wiring is inside the fuselage and not
caught between the wing and fuselage saddle. Install the battery pack in it’s
compartment in the nose and turn the system on and verify that everything
moves the proper direction and the control throws are within the suggested
Ailerons 3/8" (9.5mm) Up and Down
Elevator 1/4" (6.4mm) Up and Down
Rudders 1/4" (6.4mm) Left and Right
Center Of Gravity
With the wing installed and the battery in place, the center of gravity should be checked and adjusted as required. The
airplane should balance 2-3/4" to 3" (70 to 76.2mm) behind the leading edge of the wing at the root.
The SIG Do 217 is actually quite easy to fly, provided you've had previous experience and success in flying R/C models in
the past. This model is not recommended as an R/C trainer. If this is your first R/C model aircraft, we urge you to seek out
and use an experienced R/C pilot to pre-flight, test fly, and flight-trim the model for you. The Do 217 is very stable and
provides excellent control response. If your model was built without landing gear, you will, of course, have to hand-launch
it. The very best conditions for your first test flights would be with no wind, such as in the morning or evening. Not having
to deal with windy conditions allows you to properly observe and trim your model without undue influence from winds.
Properly powered, the Do 217 is certainly capable of flying in moderate winds without issue. But for the first trim flights of
this or any model, we always suggest choosing a day with little or no wind.