Landing the Do 217 is almost a non-event. Assuming, of course, that you're flying off of a grass field, the set-up for a
landing approach is no different than any other model. Pick a point on the field where you want to touch down and fly the
airplane down to that point, slowing it up by throttling back. Like any other landing approach, start with the downwind leg,
followed by the base turn and last, the turn to the final upwind landing approach to your runway. This sequence is ideally
flown with the model gradually descending to final touchdown with the wings level. Just before touchdown, the throttle stick
should be fully off with no power to the motors and the airplane will slide cleanly to stop.
After the first test flight, review the transmitter trim inputs and adjust the flying surface linkages accordingly. Then return
the transmitter flight trims to their neutral settings. You may have to do this a couple of times until the airplane is
completely "dialed-in" to your liking. Also, after each flight, make it a habit to inspect the airplane completely - inside and
out - for anything that may have come loose, may have broken, etc. This simple practice will keep your Do 217 on the
ready line for a long time to come.
We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed building and flying your new SIG Do 217 model. We also hope that you will
continue to fly it safely for a long time to come, with respect for other people and property.
Good luck and safe flying!
SIG Manufacturing is completely committed to your success with this model. If, for any reason you should encounter any
problems with the parts or materials used in this kit, be sure to contact SIG.
Warning! This is not a toy!
Flying machines of any form, either model-size or full-size, are not toys! Because of the speeds that airplanes must achieve in
order to fly, they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property damage if they crash. IT IS YOUR
RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions, to
ground test the finished model before each flight to make sure it is completely airworthy, and to always fly your model in a safe
location and in a safe manner. The first test flights should only be made by an experienced R/C flyer, familiar with high
performance R/C aircraft.
The governing body for radio-control model airplanes in the United States is the ACADEMY OF MODEL AERONAUTICS,
commonly called the AMA. The AMA SAFETY CODE provides guidelines for the safe operation of R/C model airplanes. While
AMA membership is not necessarily mandatory, it is required by most R/C flying clubs in the U.S. and provides you with
important liability insurance in case your R/C model should ever cause serious property damage or personal injury to someone
else. For more information, contact:
Telephone: (765) 287-1256
5161 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
SIG MFG. CO., INC. is totally committed to your success in both assembling and flying the Dornier Do 217 kit. Should you
encounter any problem building this kit or discover any missing or damaged parts, please feel free to contact us by mail or
401-7 South Front Street
Montezuma, IA 50171-0520
SIG MODELER S ORDERLINE: (to order parts)
SIG MODELER S HOTLINE (for technical support)
© Copyright SIG Mfg. Co., Inc.
SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520
The craftsmanship, attention to detail and actions of the builder/flyer of this model airplane kit will
ultimately determine the airworthiness, flight performance and safety of the finished model. SIG MFG. CO's obligation shall be
to replace those parts of the kit proven to be defective or missing. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his
or her intended use and shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.