Turn the structure over and again flex the elevators downward and holding them in this position with pieces of tape. As
you did with the top sides of the hinges, apply four small drops of thin CA glue to each of the hinges at the centerline.
Remove the tape holding the elevators, allowing them to return to their neutral setting.
Allow about ten minutes for the glue to fully wick and set. After this time has passed, flex the elevators up and down
several times, through their full deflection. This should free up their movement. Continue flexing the elevators until they
can be easily moved. Any excess CA glue can be easily removed with SIG Debonder.
In order to install the stabilizer, the top of
the fuselage behind F-9 needs to be
removed. Using a fine-tooth razor saw,
cut vertically down through the top of the
fuselage to the stabilizer slot, just behind
F-9. Make the second cut slanted at a 45
deg. angle towards the front so that it
comes out at the rear of the slot at the
hinge line. Set this piece aside as it
needs to be replaced later.
Bolt the wing in place as a reference to level the stabilizer. Set the stabilizer down into the slot, center and square it to the
fuselage, then level to the wing, sanding the sides if needed to make it sit level. When all is square and level mark the
covering at the sides of the fuselage and cut the part covered by the fuselage away for better glue joints. Also, make sure
the rudder pushrod will clear F-9 and trim the bulkhead if needed. The elevators are now hinged in place to the stabilizer.
The elevator pushrod is now made. Remove the mounting flange from the aileron interplane horn and drill two
3/64" (1.2mm) holes as shown. Make two right angle bends on one end of a 1/32"x24" (0.8x610mm) music wire pushrod as
Insert this wire into the two holes that were drilled with the long end of the wire in the hole farthest from the preformed end.
Bend the long end 90 deg. towards the front and the short end to the rear to permanently lock the nylon horn onto the wire.
Slide this pushrod into it’s guide tube from the rear and make sure it moves freely.
Prepare the other 1/32"x24" (.8mm x610mm) music wire pushrod for the rudder by
cleaning and sanding one end of the wire to prep for solder. Insert the cleaned
end of this wire into the rudder pushrod tube from the servo end until it comes out
of the stabilizer opening in the rear far enough so you can solder the rudder cable
onto it. Be careful not to pull it completely out of the tube, as it is very difficult to
reinsert it once the solder joint is made. Slip the 3/32" o.d. (2.4mm) brass solder
coupler on the cleaned end of the wire, then slip the rudder cable from the
stabilizer into the coupler along side of the wire. Verify that full travel can be
obtained and solder together with STA-BRITE® silver solder. Trim off any excess
wire and cable.
Set the stabilizer in place on the fuselage and check the rudder pushrod for
freedom of movement. If you are satisfied with the freedom, lift the stabilizer part
of the way out of its saddle and connect the elevator pushrod, reset the stabilizer
and again check both controls for freedom of movement. You want to make sure
these work properly now as they are going to be sealed in the fuselage
Square the stabilizer up again, then glue it to the fuselage.