Mount the aileron control horns with the inside edge of the horn 2-1/4" (57mm)
out from the inner end of the aileron on a line perpendicular to the leading edge
of the aileron. The front of the base plate should be 3/16" (4.8mm) back from the
leading edge of the aileron.
Trace around the base plate and remove the covering under the base plate. Mark
the two holes for the screws and drill two pilot holes with a 3/64" (1.2mm) bit
almost through the aileron. Using 5-minute epoxy or medium CA glue, glue the
control horn to the wood and secure it with two #2 x7/16" sheet metal screws that
have 3/32" (2mm) of the point filed off.
Hinge the ailerons to the wing using three SIG Easy Hinges for each aileron, as shown on the plans.
Plug an aileron servo into a pre-installed servo extension, tape or heat shrink the plugs together and feed this back down
the paper tube to the hole in the center of the wing before screwing the servo into its mount. Repeat on the other wing.
Connect the two leads together in the center with a short y-harness, then plug into the aileron socket of the receiver. Turn
on your transmitter and receiver and center these servos before installing the servo arms pointing towards the center of the
Bend two pushrods 2-13/16" (20.6mm)
long from the pin of the r/c link to the Z-
bend when the link is centered on the
threads. Install the pushrods Z-bends in
the center hole of the servo arms, the
r/c link pin in the end hole of the control
horn, check to make sure the ailerons
move the right way and adjust for
Install the motors on the mounts and
the mounts on the firewalls and wire
them up as required.
With brushless motors a speed control is needed for each motor. To keep the
wires between the ESC’s and the motors as short as possible, mount the ESC’s
out in the nacelles behind the motors. This also provides them with adequate
cooling air. The servo extensions for the speed controls should already be
available at the nacelles and they can be Y-harnessed together in the center of
the wing. Check each motor for proper rotation before installing the cowls and
Secure the receiver in the compartment
behind the servos. Stick on Velcro®
works great for this task.
Install the rudder and elevator servos in the fuselage where shown, plug them into the receiver, and center them with the
radio. Connect the push rods to the servos using the pushrod connectors in the inner hole of the servo arm.
When connecting the rudder pushrod, tighten the connector in the center of the available pushrod travel. Use the 4-40
headless setscrews to clamp the wire in the connectors.
Fabricate the two rudder control horns
from 1/8" (3.2 mm) dowel or
1/8"x3/16" (3.2x4.7mm) spruce and
install the pushrod connectors as shown
making a right and a left horn.
Clamp the rudders in neutral and center
the rudder servo. Slide the right side
connector onto the right rudder pushrod
and move the assembly down to
contact the rudder.
Note where the arm contacts the rudder, remove the covering from this spot, then securely glue the horn to the rudder and
form a slight glue fillet around this joint.