The illustration clarifies the relationship between the adjustment digits and the
adjustment weight.
Figure 5-3
Adjustment digits and weight value
If the adjustment weights and adjustment digits of a SIWAREX U are known, the
adjustment procedure does not have to be carried out. They will simply be sent
with the data record DR 3 and/or DR 4 to SIWAREX U and the scale is immediately
ready for operation.
The program SIWATOOL U supports you in quickly carrying out the adjustment.
Option 1:
After commissioning and adjustment, all data records for the scale are read out of
SIWAREX U and saved as a scale file ScaleX.SWU.
Identical scales can now be put into operation immediately. Connect the PC to the new
scale and activate the "Send all data records" function. The adjustment weights and
adjustment digits are also transferred in the process – the characteristic curve is
immediately determined. Naturally, the same goes for the exchange of a SIWAREX U.
Option 2:
Use the SIWATOOL U "Theoretical adjustment" function and determine the
characteristic curve of the scale from the technical data of the load cells alone.
This case assumes proper construction of the scale.