A.2 PSS classification
SIRIUS ACT 3SU1 pushbuttons and signaling devices
System Manual, 08/2018, A5E03457306020A/RS-AK/010
5.5 If the Customer has received a License Key for the Software, this key shall be supplied
to the third party together with the Software. Furthermore, the Customer shall submit to the
third party the order confirmation and the CoL together with these General Conditions. The
Customer shall submit the CoL received for the Software to Siemens at any time, if
5.6 If the Software is a Power Pack or an Upgrade, the Customer shall keep the CoL of the
Earlier Version and submit it to Siemens at any time, if requested, together with the CoL for
the Software. The Customer shall transfer to the third party also the CoL of the Earlier
Version, when it transfers the Power Pack and the Upgrade according to Section 5.4.
5.7 The Customer shall confirm in writing to Siemens upon the request of Siemens the
complete carrying out of the measures set out in Sections 5.4, 5.5 and (insofar as applicable)
5.6 or shall describe to Siemens as necessary and as applicable any reasons for a longer
retention. In addition, the Customer shall make any third party expressly subject to the duties
to observe the rights granted in accordance with Sections 2 and 3 and the duties in
accordance with Sections 5.1 to 5.3.
5.8 If the Customer receives a data medium which, in addition to the Software, contains
further software products which are released for use, it shall have the right to use these
released software products exclusively for validation purposes, for a limited period of time
and free of charge. Such period of use shall be limited to 14 days, commencing with the first
start-up of the relevant software program unless a different period is specified, e.g. in the
Readme file of the relevant software product. Such software products supplied exclusively
for validation purposes shall be governed by the stipulations contained in these General
Conditions. The Customer shall not be authorized to pass on these software products
separately, i.e. without the Software, to a third party.
5.9 Details in case of use by U.S. government authorities: the Software is commercial
computer software.
The terms of the purchase or license contract shall apply with priority. In the event of any
conflicts or inconsistencies between these conditions and the terms of the purchase or
license agreement, the purchase or license contract shall prevail.
Please note for customers in the United States: The foregoing "General Conditions for the
Provision of Software for Automation and Drive Technology to a Customer with its Seat in
Germany" do not apply to Software furnished by Siemens Industry, Inc. for customers in the
United States. Instead, the terms and conditions incorporated into the purchase contract
shall apply.
To Resellers: You have to submit to your customer these notes, the license conditions and
the enclosed storage media, if applicable, to avoid a breach of the license conditions by you
and your customer.