Security recommendations
2.1 Protocols
Configuration Manual, 03/2022, C79000-G8976-C629-02
Secure/non-secure protocols
SNMPv1 is enabled in the factory setting in order to facilitate operation of the device in a
PROFINET environment. Check whether it is necessary to use SNMPv1. SNMPv1 is
classified as non-secure. Make use of the possibility to prevent write access. The product
offers corresponding settings for this.
If SNMP is activated, change the community names. If no unrestricted access is necessary,
restrict access over SNMP.
Use only secure protocols when access to the device is not secured by physical protection
The following protocols provide secure alternatives:
To prevent unauthorized access to the device or network, set up appropriate safeguards
against non-secure protocols.
Enable only the services (protocols) that will actually be used on the device. The same
applies to the installed interfaces/ports. Unused ports could be used to access the network
downstream from the device.
When using OPC UA, only use profiles with secure encryption and authentication.