6 Configuring with STEP 7 or a GSDML File
as of hardware version 1, as of firmware version V2.0
Release 08/2018
“Options” tab
In the “Connection” box, you can set the automatic monitoring of the connection
to the PROFINET IO controller.
The default is “Automatic setting”: Transmission rate and direction (full
duplex/half duplex) of the data transmission are set to the optimum value by
the connected partners.
If you select “Automatic setting (monitor)”, the connection status is
monitored. If there is a disruption on the connection, a diagnostic interrupt
(error type 8008
) is generated at the diagnostic address of the port.
When automatic setting is selected, the “runtime check” cannot be used.
Configuring the Properties of the AS-i Line
If you double-click on row 1 for AS-i line 1 (AS-i addr.: “
”) or on row 67 for AS-i
line 2 (AS-i addr.: “
”) in the configuration table, you open the properties dialog of
the relevant AS-i line and can set the following parameters:
“General” Tab
Display of the essential master data of the module
Entering a comment
“Addresses” tab
Setting the diagnostic address of the AS-i line
Here, you can pack the address areas reserved on the link for the AS-i slaves.
Reducing the size of the address areas optimizes the memory available on the
In the default assignment with placeholder modules, an area of 1 byte is
reserved for each I/O module. Since a maximum of 4 bits can be assigned to a
digital AS-i slave in one transfer direction, data exchange is possible with any
slave. Packing concentrates the required address areas of the I/O modules
without any gaps and releases the memory that is not required. The packed
data is transferred in a data field assigned to the line proxy.
The fields in the “Pack” tab of the properties dialog have the following meaning:
The required length of the data field of the line proxy is displayed in bytes in
the “Inputs” and “Outputs” boxes under “Assigned Length”.
The “Start” input box shows the start address of the data field. You can
assign a different value here.
In the “Reserved Length” input box, you can reserve address space for
future expansion by increasing the proposed value.
Packing the address spaces cannot be reversed.