BA 5200 EN 08/2010
Protect shaftsealing rings from damage and heating to over + 100 °C
(use heatprotective screens to protect against radiant heat.)
The shaftsealing rings and running surfaces of the shaft must not be damaged when
pulling in the coupling parts.
Fit the coupling with the aid of suitable fitting equipment. The parts must not be driven
on by abrupt force, as this may damage the gear unit (see also item 6.7).
Gear units whose weight requires the use of lifting gear must be attached at the points shown
in section 4, "Transport and storage". If the gear unit is to be transported with addon parts,
additional attachment points may be required. Alignment
In the case of larger gear units, machined surfaces (alignment surfaces) are provided on the gear unit top
side for preliminary alignment in horizontal direction.
Alignment surface:
The alignment surfaces are for aligning the gear unit horizontally, in order to ensure correct running of the
gear unit.
The values punched into the alignment surfaces must always be observed.
The final fine alignment with the assemblies on the in and output side must be carried out accurately by
the shaft axes, using:
spirit level
dial gauge
feeler gauge, etc.
Only then should the gear unit be fastened and the alignment checked once again.
Record alignment dimensions.
─ The report must be kept with these instructions.
The accuracy of shaft axis alignment is an important factor in determining the life span
of shafts, bearings and couplings. If possible, the deviation should be zero
(exception: ZAPEX couplings). For amongst others the special requirements for the
couplings, refer to the specific operating instructions.
Nonobservance can cause shaft rupture, resulting in serious injury or danger of life.