Version 8 dated 15.03.00
Siemens Information and Communication Products
Set Cellular Result Codes for incoming call indication ................................. 82
Select radio link protocol param. for orig. non-transparent data call ............ 81
Select cell broadcast SMS messages ............................................................ 106
Show SMS text mode parameters ................................................................ 108
Unstructured supplementary service data ...................................................... 88
Display card ID (identical to AT^SCID) ..................................................... 136
V.42bis data compression reporting control .................................................. 47
Request TA revision identification of software status ................................... 49
Request TA serial number identification ....................................................... 50
Set TE-TA control character framing ............................................................ 50
Set TE-TA local rate reporting mode ............................................................. 52
Transmit gain selection of microphone .......................................................... 91
DTMF and tone generation (<Tone> in {0-9, *, #, A, B, C, D}) .................. 92
Monitor idle mode and dedicated mode ....................................................... 133
Advice of charge and query of ACM and ACMmax ................................... 111
Display SIM card identification number ...................................................... 113
Set SIM connection presentation mode and query SIM connection status .. 113
Set critical operating temp. present. mode or query temp. .......................... 114
Facility lock (including self-defined locks) ................................................. 116
List SMS messages from preferred storage without changing status to read 118
Set or query SMS overflow presentation mode or query SMS overflow .... 118