Smart Communication
Caller List
(optiset E standard, optiset E advance plus/comfort,
optiset E advance conference/conference, and optiset E
If you are unable to accept an external or internal
call, the call attempt is stored in a caller list. Call re-
quests are also stored if you are a member of a
hunt group or group call group.
Your telephone stores up to ten calls chronological-
ly. Each call is assigned a time stamp. The display
starts with the most recent non-retrieved call re-
quest. The number of calls is displayed if there are
several calls from the same caller.
If you have assigned the “Caller list” function to a
programmable key (
40), the key will light up as
soon as a call request is saved.
During a call you can choose to store the other par-
ty’s station number in your caller list, in preparation
for number redial if necessary.
Release 2.2 and later: The system automatically
stores the station numbers of all external calls that
were accepted, if the service technician has con-
figured this function.