General System Features
Classes of Service
A class of service is assigned to each extension ac-
cording to the communication requirements of the
user. The service technician defines the class of
service, which can be on one of five levels. The
higher levels include the lower ones. These levels
are as follows:
“no access”
A telephone with this class of service can
make internal calls and use the system speed
dialing numbers.
“incoming only”
The telephone can receive calls from the pub-
lic network and use the system speed dialing
access according to “Allowed lists”
The telephone numbers which can be dialed
on the public network are restricted to the
numbers in an allowed list.
access according to “Denied lists”
All telephone numbers, except those entered
in a list of denied numbers, can be dialed on
the public network.
“full access”
There are no restrictions with regard to the
numbers which can be dialed on the public