Manual 7XV5655-0BB00
Page 14 of 79
INIT Button
The INIT button is for resetting the modem to its factory (default) settings and should
only be operated by technically qualified personnel.
It can be used to set a defined baudrate locally for service work. The default baudrate is
9600 8N1. The modem also outputs a reset string with the date and version number of
the firmware on its serial interface (RS232 / RS485 / FO).
This reset string can be read by a terminal program (e.g. HyperTerminal in Windows) on
a connected PC. The serial interface of the PC must be set to the default baudrate.
After you have operated the INIT button, the baudrate set at the communications
partner must also be adjusted, otherwise communication would no longer be possible.
You do not need to use the INIT button if you know the baudrate!
Operating the INIT button does not alter any settings relevant to security such as IP
addresses or passwords!