11 Glossary
Network-capable components (cou-
pling element) which connects or
disconnects networks which can be
based on completely different archi
tectures and protocols.
Example: KNX (bus system) is con
nected to the Access system (TCP/
IP network) via a KNX gateway. In
the Access system, gateways for
KNX and an external connection to
SIP telephony (SIP gateway and SIP
provider) can be created.
H.264/MPEG-4 AVC
Recommended and functionally-
extensive standard for video com
pression of digitalised and high-reso-
lution video sequences (e.g. HDTV).
HSDPA(+) – High Speed Downlink
Packet Access
Data transfer method of the 3G
mobile network standard (UMTS)
with standard transmission rates of
up to 7.2 Mbps (HSDPA) or 42 Mbps
(HSDPA+) (also called 3.5G, 3G+ or
UMTS broadband). The maximum
possible transfer rates may vary
from country to country. According
to HSDPA end device categories,
transfer rates of up to 337.5 Mbps
are possible.
HTTP – Hypertext Transfer
Protocol for data/file transfer of text,
image, audio or video files within
an IP-based network or via the
Internet. The http protocol is used to
transmit single frames of the MJPEG
video sequence from IP cameras, for
IP camera, MJPEG
Indoor station
Call station and accessory for use
indoors as duplex call station for the
door area (door station) outdoors.
All hardware-based Access call sta-
tions for indoors (AHT/V, AHF/V,
AVP) are regarded as indoor stations.
However, computers or smartphones
which can provide a similar range of
functions through the use of the rel
evant client software or app are not
included in this definition.
IP camera
Network (video) camera which
provides a retrievable video image
in the digital form of a video stream
via the IP protocol in an IP-based
network or Internet. IP cameras can
be remotely configured via network
access and offer a user-dependent
extended range of functions as well
as security functions for convenient
video surveillance. The network
bandwidth required to transmit
the video stream depends on the
camera’s single frame resolution and
frame rate as well as the video com
pression method used. To access the
video stream, the relevant URL of the
IP camera must be known. An URL
contains the information with which
the video stream of an IP camera can
be reached in the network and gen
erally contains an IP address or host
name, as well as further-reaching
information about the video stream.