Test sequence
Expected result
Result OK?
Tools may be necessary to avoid hazardous situations.
Thorough check of the protective fields
Table 38: Thorough check of the protective fields
Test sequence
Expected result
Result OK?
Check minimum distance
between the primary protective
device and hazardous area.
Check configuration of the safety
laser scanner.
The protective field of the primary pro‐
tective device is vertical.
The minimum distance is observed in
accordance with ISO 13855.
The protective field of the safety laser
scanner covers the complete area to
be monitored up to the primary protec‐
tive device.
There is no gap between the protective
field of the safety laser scanner and
the protective field of the primary pro‐
tective device.
Calculated minimum distance:
Measured minimum distance:
Test for mounting the safety laser scanner
Table 39: Test for mounting the safety laser scanner
Test sequence
Expected result
Result OK?
Thoroughly check the mounting
of the safety laser scanner.
The safety laser scanner is mounted in
such as way as to cover the entire area
to be monitored up to the primary pro‐
tective device.
The safety laser scanner is configured
in such as way as to cover the entire
area to be monitored up to the primary
protective device.
The resolution of the safety laser scan‐
ner is in correct proportion to the
height of the scan plane.
It is not possible to walk behind the
protective field.
Measured height of the scan plane:
Complete approval of the application
The application must be put into operation only if the complete approval was success‐
ful. The complete approval must be performed only be correspondingly trained expert
The following activities must be performed for a complete approval:
Check that all the safety-related parts of the installation (cables, connected sen‐
sors and actuators, configuration settings) conform to the relevant safety stan‐
dards (e.g. EN ISO 13849-1 or EN 62061).
Check the devices connected to the safety controller according to the instructions
in the respective operating instructions.
Check that all connections on the safety controller are clearly and legibly labeled.
Check all signal paths and make sure that they have been correctly integrated into
the higher-level control.
Check the logic program of the safety controller.
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