DST2600 User’s Manual 29
The modification of the parameters can be prevented setting in parameter “P.001-
programming password” a number between 1 and 9999.
In this way it will possible to skim trough the parameters but not to change their values (the
present value will be enclosed between the symbols “<” and “>” instead than square
brackets to show the impossibility to the modification); a signalling will show the lack of the
access rights when pressing the “MODE/ACK” key.
To do modifications it will be necessary to insert the numerical password value in the “P.000-
Access code” parameter. This parameter is in the menu “1 SYSTEM” and it is immediately
visualized after the menu entering.
Once inserted, the password is valid for 10 minutes, in such a way to have the time to do
more than one parameter setting. When this time is over, it is necessary to reinsert the
VERY IMPORTANT: it is very recommended to write down the chosen password once
inserted because in case it will be lost or forgotten, it will be necessary to send the
device to SICES s.r.l. to be unlocked. For the same reason it is recommended to set
immediately a password, to avoid that it could be modified by external personnel or
inserted for mistake
DST2600 has many alphanumerical signalling to highlight the arising of anomalies.
When an anomaly occurs during the normal working, that means in “MAN” or “AUTO” (not
“OFF_RESET”) modes, the visualization mode passes automatically to “MODE1”, whatever is
the present visualization mode.
The indication will appear as follows:
On first row, if the engine status is modified (i.e. the engine is stopped owing to the block
arising), there is the status indication; for the warnings, the “MODE 1” indication of the electrical
measurements remains, as described in par.
On second row it is highlighted the anomaly: the strings slide from right to left. If the anomaly
is a warning, that is the engine won’t be stopped, the LED “MODE2
” flashes; if it is
a block the LED “MODE3
” flashes.
The internal horn is automatically activated and it will be active for the time set with parameter
P.491 (it can be fully disabled setting 0 in this parameter). The horn silencing and the anomaly
“acknowledgement” are done pressing the “MODE/ACK” key; the effects take place when the
key is released.