LABOKLAV Eco 80 / 135
User Manual
Closed wrapped and porous material should be sterilized with
vacuum program only! Waste bags are a kind of wrapping
material, which can only be definitely deaerated in vacuum!
Gravitation deaeration process may be not enough for good
deaeration. Those goods cannot be sterilized successfully in
units of Laboklav ECO!
Heavy good should lie on the ground of the chamber, lighter goods should lay upstairs. In each
program cycle the loads should be from the same type. The deaeration type should respect the
heaviest and most complicated load! A mixture of solid and liquid loads should be avoided.
The maximum loads are defined in chap. 1 technical data. Please refer to this chapter to see the
maximum load of each type of load!
For the sterilization of liquids use the liquid programs only! In liquid programs the thermo locking
system is activated and protects the user against burning. For the use of this mechanism correctly it
is necessary to put the reference sensor into a reference flask that is equal in volume and form and
filled with the same volume like the biggest single liquid volume inside your chamber!
Attention please while using hot liquids! While contact with
hot liquids with temperature of more than 60°C it can burn the
Attention please while handling closed waste bags! The waste
needs to be opened while loaded into the chamber. While
opening the waste bag bio aerosols will come free and may
infect the operator! Operate the device in the right protection
clothes only! Protect your skin, your face especially eyes,
nose, mouth!
Program change
Activating a Program is done by pressing program button (9). It opened the program menu and with
the up (4) and down button (5) the right program is chosen by pressing the enter button (7). All
programs which are marked with a key symbol needs entering a code before activation: