Dome control panel allows then to take control of the dome. Run « Telescope »/« Contrôle du
Dome/Abri » to access it :
When you run it for the first time, it doesn't know how your dome orientation. Run first
Calibration/zero Azimuth
. This the initial operation to do when you start observing. The dome will
turn toward the reference sensor (thus the trick to put the parking position close to the reference
Then you have the choice :
Activate « Suivi Dome-Telescope » : the dome will permanently track the telescope position.
You can change the maximum azimuth shift (5°, lower if you have a small shelter and/or a
large telescope) and the check period (1 minute is usually enough). Those depends of the
shelter size compared to your telescope entrance size.
Then you simply have to wtch for the dome to synchronize continuously with your
Synchroniser : one-time synchronization. Usefull when doing initial setup.
Enter a « nouvelle position (/Abs. Dome) » : new position for the dome azimuth (of course,
the automatic tracking should be desactivated) and click on « Appliquer » (Apply). This is
useful for exemple to park your dome in a fixed azimuth position. If you do not reach the
exact position, check your ramp up/down parameter which may be too short.
Guide Utilisateur / User Manual - Dome Tracker– DC0007C 49 / 60