Powered by JBlend™, Copyright1997-2004 Aplix
Corporation. All rights reserved.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
JBlend and all JBlend-based trademarks and logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Aplix Corporation in
Japan and other countries.
In this product, JBlend™ is incorporated.
JBlend™ is a Java execution environment
that Aplix developed for implementing
advanced performance and fast operation
on small-memory systems. JBlend and
JBlend logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Aplix Corporation in Japan
and other countries.
Licensed by Inter Digital Technology Corporation under one
or more of the following United States Patents and/or their
domestic or foreign counterparts and other patents
pending, including U.S. Patents: 4,675,863: 4,779,262:
4,785,450 & 4,811,420.
Licensed under U.S. Patent 4,558,302 and foreign
SD logo
is a trademark.
T9 Text Input is licensed under one or more of the following:
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DK, FI, FR, IT, NL,PT.ES,SE,GB; Republic of Korea Pat.
Nos. KR201211B1 and KR226206B1; and additional
patents are pending worldwide.
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