Sharp MX-7000N
page 38 • September 1, 006
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E x c e p t i o n a l
Print Driver Functionality (continued)
tab provides some advance printing op-
tions including resolution settings, graphics mode, bitmap
compression, and print overlays.
paper settings provide an image shift to where
tabs will print. Tab sheets must be loaded correctly in the
universal tray.
Job Handling
tab provides many of the security
features for printing documents. It allow users to release,
hold or print documents (retention settings), supply folder
designation (document filing settings), set up login and
passwords for users and groups (user authentication), and
set up user names and job names (Default Job IDs).
With user authentication, the Secure Print feature stores
the document on the Sharp MX-7000N hard drive and al-
lows printing only after a personalized security code has
been entered. When Secure Print is selected, the grayed
out areas are active to allow custom alpha-numeric pass
codes to be entered by the user. When retrieving jobs, both
the QWERTY touch keypad and hard number keys can be
used for entering pass codes. The driver can be set so that
all jobs are sent in secure mode using a user name and
password. All secure jobs sent by a user can be released at
once, instead of releasing one job at a time.
Main tab
Tab Settings
Job Handling Tab