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E x c e p t i o n a l
Sharp MX-7000N
page 1 • September 1, 006
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Secure Transmissions
The hard drive (if not equipped with a data overwrite capability) provides the
ability to create secure repositories for incoming print and fax jobs. Instead of
being printed upon delivery, print jobs and faxes can be stored on the device
and printed only after a PIN has been entered by the authorized user. IPv6
makes it harder to crack or hack into a PC address range by making the ad-
dress more complex.
• The secure print process is very safe with login and password entry.
• Security measures are provided on multiple levels at the copier, desktop and
scan screen. For example, users can set up their personal settings that need
to be entered on entry into secure print, on printing at the copier, and when
saving to a secure folder. Keeping the same password for each logon entry
is an advantage.
• The function to lock/secure print jobs is easy to locate and use on both driv-
ers. Users and administrators can set up security measures to be scalable
and flexible for most users, groups, and folders at multiple levels.
• Incoming faxes can be routed to secure destinations such as PIN-protected
internal document filing folders, limited-access network folders, or email ad-
dresses, ensuring that sensitive information does not sit in the output tray of
the device.
• Users can use the touch screen QWERTY keyboard or the hard button nu-
meric keypad interchangeably, for versatile data entry.
• Right side exit allows incoming faxes to be output face down, separated from
the main copy / print output stack, which is delivered to the left side finishing
• While a very secure environment exist for the Sharp MX-7000N with up
to three levels of security, it is possible that so much security can be time
consuming. While IT managers set up the security, it would be nice for users
to be able to link a login/password to a customized folder so that multiple
entries can be eliminated or shortened (such as a single sign on or an
assigned logout (a message that will logoff user in 15 seconds if inactivity is