The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
located) to the rear panel. When the head is detached, this
wiring is no longer available.
External Accessories
External accessory location should also be part of the planning process. If you are
planning to add external equipment such as a Weatherfax receive modem, a terminal
node controller (TNC) for amateur use, a commercial standard SITOR modem, such as
the SGC TELEREX™ system, or an ALE controller such as the SGC HardLink™ System,
provision for the mounting and operation of these items should be made at the time of
When planning the use of an external audio input to the SG-2000, make provision for
switching the external audio source on and off. This is necessary because the external
audio input feeding the SG-2000 is an unswitched bridge. In order to avoid transmitting
a microphone and line input signal (via J301) at the same time, you must be able to turn
off the line input source.
If you are planning to use some external units, you may need to plan additional space
for peripherals which may be required. As an example, the ALE controller requires a
video display terminal (or IBM-PC type computer) to access programming. This may
be a single unit terminal and keyboard, or it may be discrete keyboard and display
A TNC may require a printer, a computer, or both. Provision for mounting of these
items is a good idea, especially if you will be adding them in the future.
Because of the larger number of options available, the subject of external radio
peripherals is covered in more depth later in this manual.
Look ahead — and plan for your future needs before you begin your installation!