The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
The Main Processor uses a “real time clock,” IC7, to keep time and store
important data while there is no power to the SG-2000. While power is applied
to the SG-2000, capacitor C31 charges to 5.5 volts. When power is removed,
capacitor C-31 will discharge through Q2. This keeps the battery power turned
on. After two weeks, the charge in C31 is reduced to the point that Q2 turns
off. This prevents the battery from fully discharging. This method of using a
battery and capacitor provides a much longer life span than a NiCad battery
and gives the same performance.
Operational Test
Remove the CPU from the Ports Test Board and replace IC16 with normal
Connect the CPU through an extension cable to the SG-2000's head (for Head
CPU) or SG-2000's Exciter (for Main CPU).
Turn on the power at the head.
Verify that all keys operate and perform proper functions (consult other
sections of this manual for complete descriptions of proper functions.
Functions that should be checked:
Keeping a programmed time, date, channel and frequency on display for
30 seconds after the PS-30 has been turned off.
Alarm Generator
ON/OFF function from head
Program then erase a channel
C31 charging check (Main CPU only).
Place the Main CPU tested on the CPU charger for not less than 15 minutes.
Ten minutes after the Main CPU is removed from the charger, check that the
voltage across C31 is still no less than 5VDC.