The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
frequency on the station you wish to work.
Scanning in One Direction Only
SGC has received several technical support calls inquiring about the radio
scanning only in a single direction. In these cases, the radio is reported to
be scanning in only one direction toward a certain frequency. If the radio
is set to a low frequency, it may only scan upward toward a higher
frequency. At high frequencies, the unit may only scan toward a lower
This is not a defect with your radio. This indicates that a frequency has
been inadvertently entered in the programmed scan frequency provision
of the radio. See Programmed Scan in the "Scanning" section of this
manual for complete details.
As you may be aware, you may enter two frequencies and have the SG-
2000 scan between them. These are designated "LC" and "UC" on the left
hand side of the LCD display. To remove the frequency scan brackets and
restore the radio to scanning in both directions, proceed as follows:
Depress “PRGM”, “SCAN”, “CHAN” buttons.
You will see the following: LC: - - - - on the radio display if the
lower scan bracket is empty.
You may see the following: LC: - - 2 1 if channel 21 (for example)
has been entered as the lower scanning bracket.
To delete LC: - - 21 (Or any other channel displayed) depress
“SHIFT” “7” (DEL)
Depress the “CHAN” button again and the radio will display: UC: -
- - - if the bracket is empty.
If you see UC: - - 42, this means channel 42 (for example) has been
entered as the upper scanning bracket.
To delete UC: - - 42 (or any other channel displayed) depress
“SHIFT” “7” (DEL)
A hidden frequency may have also been stored* in either the LC or
UC bracket. To remove it, you must locate it, program that
frequency into a channel, then delete that channel.
Note: The hidden frequency scan provisions are not a documented feature
and are not accessible in civilian versions of the SG-2000.