The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
17.0 External Software
This section lists information on the RS-232 software, called Softlink,
available for the SG-2000.
RS-232 Serial Control Software
The RS-232 allows the SG-2000 to be fully controlled by a computer terminal
(PC, IBM compatible, or laptop). Via the RS-232's control lines, the computer (in
essence) becomes the control head for the SG-2000. The SG-2000 can now be
controlled by eight computer terminals, or by eight remote control units, or any
combination of the two. Any function dealing directly with audio (volume,
speaker on/off, squelch, etc.) will not be controlled by the RS-232 since this does
not apply to the operations of the computer. For data communications or
monitoring purposes, the RS-232 connection enables this to be a smooth and user
friendly process.
The SGC RS-232 software system provides for direct computer control of the
popular SG-2000 all band solid state HF transceiver. Because of its advanced
design, the SG-2000 may be configured to support any combination of up to
eight computers and control heads. This means, in a typical installation, that you
may have six control heads and two computers controlling the same SG-2000.
This tremendous versatility makes the SG-2000 with DOS software the radio of
choice in numerous commercial, marine, paramilitary, and amateur applications.
Audio functions of the SG-2000 such as volume, speaker on/off, and squelch, are
not controlled by the RS-232 software: these functions are not supported by cur-
rent IBM compatible computers.
In addition, it is important to note that the software allows operation of the SG-
2000 without a control head. This configuration is desirable in installations
where audio or analog data streams can be best handled through other systems.
For data communications or monitoring purposes, the RS-232 facility ensures
crisp, reliable, user friendly control of the radio. Version 1.0 of the software does
not include ARQ or other data communications, because separate software is
available for this specific purpose.