1. After framing in your opening to the dimensions specified in Table
1 found in the Framing Details section (measured in the horizontal
plane), slide the Cathedral Support box into the framed opening.
2. Once the box is at the desired height, ensure the box is level and
nail the box to the framing using four 2” spiral nails or #8 x1-1/2"
wood screws per side. The excess material sticking above the roof can
either be trimmed off before attaching the box to the framing or, after
it is installed the corners can be cut and the excess material folded down
onto the roof deck.
The SuperVent/SuperPro Cathedral Ceiling Support will support a
total of 38 feet of chimney of which 15 feet of chimney can be
suspended below the support. The Cathedral Ceiling Support is
screwed or nailed into framing installed between the roof rafters.
4. Lower the chimney length down through the opening in the bottom
of the support so that the Support Band makes contact with the bottom
of the Support Box. (See Figure 34).
The male coupler of each chimney length must be up. The bottom
chimney length(s) must protrude into the living space so that proper
clearances are maintained from the stove pipe connector to the lower side
of the ceiling. Refer to Chart 3 on page 22 at the back of these instructions
for proper clearances. Do not offset the chimney below the Cathedral
Support. NOTE: A minimum of 1" of the insulated chimney length must
protrude below the Cathedral Support Box for stability.
Cathedral Ceiling Support Installation
Storm Collar
Chimney Sections
Rain Cap
Ventilated Flashing
Stove Pipe Adaptor
Support Box
Support Band
5. Install additional chimney sections and lock together by turning
clockwise until the two sections lock together tightly. Continue in this
manner until the required height above the roof is achieved. NOTE:
Unlike normal inside installation, a cathedral installation provides only
one support point for the chimney. This limited support can allow the
chimney to sway slightly or vibrate in high winds. It is advisable to install
additional lateral support if the chimney extends more than 3 feet out of
the roof.
To reduce cold air infiltration into the dwelling you
can install the optional Universal Shielding Insulation (JUSI)
into the Cathedral Support. See separate installation
instructions packaged with the JUSI.
3. Install the Support Band on the chimney length at the desired posi-
tion by tightening the draw band bolt and by screwing four stainless
steel sheet metal screws through the draw band and into the outer casing.
Ceiling Trim Angles
Ceiling Trim Angles
- Suitable lengths of chimney: The chimney diameter should be sized
to suit the appliance.
- Rain Cap: Standard or Deluxe model
To complete a proper Cathedral Ceiling Support installation, the
following parts are required:
- Cathedral Ceiling Support (CCS): For sloped or angled ceiling.
- Stove Pipe Adaptor (ASE): Transition from chimney to flue pipe.
- Roof Flashing Assembly: Required when the chimney penetrates
Tighten Bolt to
Secure Pipe
1/4” x 2”
Lag Bolts
28. Place a length of chimney within the assembly and tighten the
tabs around the chimney using the supplied 1/4" x 2" bolt to secure
the chimney length within the band (See Figure 33).
27. Level the brackets and drill pilot holes in the wall using the
mounting holes in the brackets as a template. Drill 1 hole in the wall
for each bracket. Secure brackets to wall using 1/4" x 2" lag bolts
(see Figures 32 & 33). Use a level against the chimey sections at
each support stage to keep the assembly plumb.
Figure 33
29. If the chimney penetrates an eave or overhang (soffit) cut an
opening with 2" clearance all around. To find the exact spot where
the chimney will pass through the eaves, drop a plumb line from the
underside of the eaves to the outer edge of the leveled chimney. Mark
5 or 6 points to give an outline of the hole. Remember that the hole
will need 2" clearance to the chimney surface. Install an Attic
Insulation Shield if space permits on the under side of the overhang.
If it is not possible, the overhang area can be enclosed and a Rafter
Radiation Shield installed at the roof level and a Finishing Plate on
the underside of the soffit. If the Attic is open to the overhang, close
off the access with suitable building materials ensuring that a 2" air
space clearance is maintained. From above, install the Roof Flashing
and Storm Collar by following the Roof Flashing section in these
instructions. If the overhang is not deep enough to allow the chimney
to be fully installed within the overhang, it will be necessary to cut
into it.
Ensure that a 2"air space clearance all around the chimney
is respected. Framing and flashing the sides of the opening will be
required. Install a Wall Band at this level.
Interior chimneys installed with a Wall Support must use
Firestop Radiation Shield (FRS) in place of Wall Bands if extending
through floor/ceiling penetrations and an Attic Insulation Shield
(AIS) when passing through an unoccupied attic space.