(1) This manual is the property of SEIKO and may not without the express written consent of SEIKO be
copied or reproduced in any form, in whole or in part, or used for any purpose other than that for which
it is supplied.
(2) This manual may be subject to change without notice.
(3) This manual has been prepared to give complete information necessary for the operation, use, handling
and maintenance of SEIKO SPORTS TIMER, MODEL ST-306. For the purpose of our constant
technical manual improvement program, your questions, advice, suggestions and comments on the
descriptions, illustrations, procedures or any matter concerning this manual are highly appreciated.
(4) SEIKO shall not be liable for any failures of SEIKO SPORTS TIMER, MODEL ST-306 or direct or
indirect damages resulting from such failures if such failures are caused: due to abuse, misuse, failure to
observe instructions given in the manual and neglect of other reasonable care and servicing due to be
done by the owner irrespective of such instructions, and failure due to deliberate actions or gross
negligence or accident; or caused by changes, modifications, or alterations made without prior written
consent of SEIKO or by any person other than authorized by SEIKO.
The following conventions are used in this manual.
WARNING is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which CAN
cause SEVERE personal injury, death, or substantial property damage if
the warning under this heading is ignored.
CAUTION is used to indicate the presence of a hazard which may
cause property damage if the warning under this heading is ignored.
The following pictorial symbols indicate what must not be done.
General Prohibition
Prohibition of Disassembly/Tampering
The following pictorial symbols indicate what must be done.
General instructions