Version: 02/02/05 Page 9 of 22
8. RS232 Serial Interface
The RS232 Serial Interface can be used to view and set all system variables including the
individual port and network interface parameters. To use the RS232 interface you will need a
terminal adapter program such as Windows Hyper Terminal. Set up the terminal adapter
program with the following parameters:
Baud rate – 9600
Data Bits – 8
Stop Bits – 1
Parity – None
There are eight RS232 Interface commands which are listed below. All commands are not case
sensitive. For commands that report network information, NETWORK CARD NOT
INSTALLED, will be reported for systems without a network card.
system status
– reports the current firmware versions, network settings, Web Page username
and password, SNMP community names, and the system power parameters (power delivered,
power allocated, system voltage, internal temperature).
ip status
– reports the current network settings.
ip config
– used to change the Juice Box IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
snmp status
– reports the current SNMP “Get Community” and “Set Community” values.
snmp config
– used to change the SNMP “Get Community” and “Set Community” values.
set pw
– used to change the WEB interface username and password.
port status –
reports the detection setting, max power and connection status for each port and
the system power parameters (power delivered, power allocated, system voltage, temperature)
port config -
reports the detection setting, max power and connection status for each port and
the system power parameters (power delivered, power allocated, system voltage, temperature).
Then permits the user to modify the detection setting and the max power setting for each port.