Section 2: Description
Standard Equipment
2018 Insta-Berm (Frame) Operations Manual
(Version D)
We Engineer Solutions
Standard Equipment
The frame-supported Insta-Berm system comes complete with a berm liner, prefabricated support frame
(20" or 32" high), pre-installed stake down tabs and bulkhead fittings for the optional RainDrain system. A
crate for shipping and a repair pouch are also included. All repair instructions are found in this manual.
Optional Equipment
Also available from SEI Industries:
RainDrain system
High wind stakes (available only on Arctic-Shield berms)
Groundsheet to protect the bottom of the Insta-Berm
Track belting to protect the inside of the Insta-Berm from tires
Carrying bag
RainDrain Description
The RainDrain system allows operators to continuously gravity-drain rain water from secondary
containment berms without having to monitor the discharge. The RainDrain is designed as a go-no-go
filtration system that will automatically stop the flow of discharge water when it is full or when there is a
large amount of hydrocarbons present in the water being discharged.
18" Filter Assembly
36" Filter Assembly