System Reset
Fire Drill
Total Evacuation
Buzzer Silence
Signal Silence
Acknowledge General Alarm
Auxiliary Disconnect
Audible Walktest
Configures (mini) dual input modules as audible when conducting a walktest. For more
information on performing a walktest see 5.11.5 Walk Test.
Silent Test
Configures (mini) dual input modules as silent when conducting a walktest. For more
information on performing a walktest see 5.11.5 Walk Test.
Manual Day/Night
Configures (mini) dual input modules for manual day/night alarm thresholds. For more
information on alarm thresholds see 5.1.3 Alarm Conditions.
Auto Day/Night
Configures (mini) dual input modules for auto day/night alarm thresholds. For more
information on alarm thresholds see 5.1.3 Alarm Conditions.
Verified Alarm Input
Un-bypassed verified alarm inputs entering into alarm are verified over a period of time to
determine if the alarm condition is valid.
Analog Device Verification Process
If the system is not already in alarm:
1. A device entering into alarm initiates a 30 second delay timer.
2. When the 30 second delay times out the device is monitored for the next 60 seconds.
Attention: Devices correlated with any of the above System Statuses need to be
contained within a secured enclosure accessibly only to those with the
proper authority.