General Alarm Button and Indicator
When pressed, this button will activate the panel into evacuation. The LED
indicator will turn steadily red.
Signal Silence Button and Indicator
Flashes yellow at the Trouble Flash rate when Indication Circuits are silenced
by the following:
Pressing the Signal SIlence button.
The Auto Signal SIlence Timer.
Any Subsequent Alarms cause the Signals to resound, clears the indication and
turns the LED off.
Pressing the Signal Silence button when the Panel is in Alarm turns on the
Signal Silence Indicator and deactivates any Silenceable Indicating Circuits.
Non-Silenceable Circuits are unaffected. Signals will re-sound upon any
subsequent Alarm.
This button does not function during the following:
Any configured Signal Silence Inhibit Timer period.
If Fire Drill has activated the Indicating Circuits.
Buzzer Silence Button and Indicator
Flashes yellow at the Trouble Flash rate when the Buzzer Silence button is
pressed. Any new alarm, supervisory or trouble events resounds the buzzer
and will cause the Buzzer Silence LED to turn off.
Auxiliary Disconnect Button and Indicator
Activating the Auxiliary Disconnect button activates the Auxiliary Disconnect
function. The Auxiliary Alarm Relay is always disconnected with this button.
The Common Alarm Relay, the Common Supervisory relay and all correlated
alarm relays may be disconnected as selected through configuration. Activating
the Auxiliary Disconnect button also causes the Common Trouble LED to
illuminate steady, the common trouble relay to send a trouble message and the
trouble buzzer to flash at the trouble flash rate. Pressing the Auxiliary
Disconnect button again de-activates this function and the system will go back
to normal.
Visual Indicator Test Button and Indicator
Pressing the Visual Indicator Test button illuminates all front panel LEDs on
steady in the appropriate color and turns the buzzer on steady. If Visual
Indicator Test is active for more than 10 seconds, Common Trouble is activated.
Table 11 LED Indicators and Control Buttons (Continued)
LED Indicator and
Control Buttons