5. List Unbypass
A list of devices can be bypassed using this option. The user is prompted to enter the loop
number to be unbypassed.
Enter the list to unbypass, the last list bypassed will be displayed.
If the list to be unbypassed is shown, just press Enter to complete the unbypassing.
Otherwise, you may unbypass the devices one, two or more at a time.
If you are attempting to unbypass items that are already unbypassed you will get an “Already
un-bypassed” message.
Otherwise, if the exclamation is not used, then there will be individual confirmation.
At the end of the un-bypass operation or if the exclamation is used, the message displays:
Auxiliary Disconnect
The auxiliary disconnect operation is performed by the following the steps below. If the
auxiliary relays are connected the user is prompted to disconnect the relays.
After the confirmation the auxiliary relays are disconnected and the information message is
displayed that the auxiliary relays are disconnected.
If the auxiliary relays are already disconnected the user is prompted to reconnect the relays.
Loop number
Loop :__
Aux relays connected
Disconnect ?Y/N
Aux relays