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2600-13 Press Control Module
MicroLogix 1500 & CompactLogix Resolver Module
Revision 2.1
Module Overview
The 2600-13 module is a high speed limit switch module that resides in a Rockwell Automation
CompactlLogix or MicroLogix 1500 system rack, connects to a resolver and switches outputs based on that
resolver position which ranges from 0 to 4095 for each rotation (0.088 degree resolution). Based on the
change of the resolver position it also transmits a 5V quadrature differential signal with 1024 pulse per
There are three versions of the 2600-13 module. The 2611-13 consist of the resolver interface module and
has 16 virtual, backplane only, inputs and outputs. The 2612-13 module adds one I/O module containing 8
physical inputs and 8 physical outputs to the 2611-13. The 2613-13 adds two I/O modules to the 2611-13 for
a total of 16 physical inputs and 16 physical outputs. The virtual inputs and outputs are always numbered 0 to
15 while the physical inputs and outputs are numbered 16 to 31.
Each output can be programmed with 16 On/Off setpoints. Alternatively, each of the outputs can be
programmed for stitching operations or as timed outputs.
The outputs can be Anded with the inputs, and or with the speed of the rotating resolver.
The 2600-13 Press Module also has the several features specific to controlling stamping presses, including
five types of Die Monitoring checks (Normally True, Normally False, Cyclical, Constant, and Quick) , the
counting of Die Monitoring Inputs, Stopping Time, Brake Applied position, Time for Rotation, and an
additional method of programming speed compensation advances based on fixed and variable parameters.
The 2600-13 module is fully programmable from the ladder logic program using a handshaking sequence; no
special software packages are required. The module will accept the data located in the output registers as
programming data whenever it detects either a 0 to 1 or a 1 to 0 transition of a bit, named the Transmit Bit, in
the output registers. The module also has the ability to store all of its parameters in a Flash memory. If this
feature is not used, the module will have to be programmed at every power up. The Flash Memory device can
be programmed a minimum of 10,000 times.
The throughput time of the 2600-13 module is less than 20 microseconds. The repeatability of the output
firing, that is how much the output will vary from one turn to the next, is 1 microsecond.
All three versions of the 2600-13 module have the ability to both output and receive serial position data,
allowing multiple units to be “slaved” together.
Sample programs showing how to program the 2600-13 module in both MicroLogix and CompactLogix
systems are available from the following page of our website.