this appliance cannot operate in a negative or de-pressurised room. the presence of a range hood,
mechanically controlled ventilation or another heating appliance requiring air in a well insulated
dwelling may cause disturbances (incorrect combustion, smoke drawn back into the room, etc.). It is
important that there is sufficient quantity of air that can be drawn from the room as it is needed to burn
the wood. When the room’s air intake is insufficient (well insulated homes - eg. 6 Star or more rated), a
specific air intake must be installed in conjunction with the appliance (outdoor air kit).
In the case of an unconnected appliance, the air intake specific to the wood heater must have a
minimum 300cm
surface area (100mm x 300mm). It must be located either directly outside, or in
a room ventilated to the outside, and must arrive at the base of the inset wood heater. it must be
protected by a vermin proof grate.
Single sided appliances will require the air intake connection to be made from the base of the appliance
double sided appliances can choose to have the air intake connection from inside the wall cavity
and have the connection duct run underneath the floor (if possible), or through the roof. Otherwise
double sided appliances can have a vermin proof grate installed to an external wall and the appliance
can draw fresh air in to the house using the vermin proof grate
5. inStall GUide
these instructions are to be kept by the user, the installer mUSt not under any circumstances dispose
of this manual. following installation it is recommended the installer review any questions or queries
the new user might have, this should include lighting the fire and explaining the various functioning
components of the appliance. Insist on the wood quality, on the need to light the fire correctly and have
correct combustion in order to avoid all problems related to smoke emission in the room or blackened
thEsE installation instruCtions arE an intEgral Part oF thE aPPlianCE
anD shoulD BE kEPt inDEFinitEly. iF thE FirEPlaCE is solD, thE Manual Must
aCCoMPany thE unit.
CoMMissioning thE aPPlianCE
CoMBustion air (outDoor air kit)
DirECt outDoor air ConnECtion
inDirECt outDoor air ConnECtion
singlE siDED
DouBlE siDED
operation & maintenance
CoMBustion air (outDoor air kit) (ContinuED)
singlE siDED DiagraM
It is preferable to connect to outdoor air in order to optimise combustion control. Depending on specific
building-related conditions (air tightness, presence of mechanically controlled ventilation, presence of a
kitchen hood, etc). This will make it possible to renew the air when the wood heater is in use and will
guarantee that the correct pressure is maintained inside the room. ideally, this air intake should arrive under
the wood heater. it is important to indicate that any future alteration of the usage conditions (installation of
mechanical ventilation, a hood or any other appliance requiring air, etc.) may result in a malfunction such as
the emission of smoke inside the room.
additional combustion air will make it possible to renew the air when the wood heater is in use and will
guarantee that the correct pressure is maintained inside the room. ideally, this air intake should arrive under
the wood heater.
it is important to indicate that any future alteration of the usage conditions (installation of mechanical
ventilation, a range hood or any other appliance requiring air, insulation works or weatherproofing
improvements, etc.) may result in a malfunction such as the emission of smoke inside the room.