4.0 Operation Guide
.0 Operation Guide
This section describes the operation of the Scanhead. Please see online
documentation for information regarding the extra features available
through ScanImage and Helioscan software.
4.1 Software control of the Scanhead
The Scanhead is compatible with HelioScan and ScanImage
Please consult relevant manuals.
HelioScan User Guide and information available for download
ScanImage User Guide and information available for download
4.2 Powering up the system
Once all positioning and cable connections are complete you are ready
to switch on the Scanhead.
Power on the system using the switch on the front of the 3U rack
controller, the purple Scientifica logo will illuminate, indicating the
system is powered up.
4.3 Operating the Scanhead
In the interest of safety and to prevent damage to the biological
sample when not scanning, it is recommended that an electro-optical
(Pockels cell) or mechanical shutter is installed in the beam path. A
Pockels cell has the added advantage that it can modulate the beam to
blank on end of line scanning and control the laser beam intensity.
Please see ScanImage and Helioscan documentation for details on how
to configure systems for use with Pockels Cell. Appendix 1.0 shows the
basic configuration of system for use with mechanical shutter.
4.3.1 Standard operation
Tune the IR laser close to the anticipated fluorescence excitation
maximum of the sample.
Open the laser shutter ensuring that the intensity control is set to
minimum output power beforehand, a software operated shutter
synchronised with beginning of frame scan should prevent beam
reaching sample (see note above).
Place biological sample on stage and focus region of interest
using bright field imaging on CCD, using the x-y stage and z-
drive focus wheel that comes with the SliceScope Pro.