Encoder setting page can set the output format of video, stream name of video source,aspect ratio of
picture, frame rate, code rate,tally light switch, NDI encoder volume and optical transceiver.
No matter what the input format is, you can convert the output to the corresponding format by clicking the
following format. Such conversion will not change the image quality. After selecting the format, it will be
green. If no transformation is required,select auto, which is the same as the input source format.
If the device is used as an encoder, you need to modify the NDI stream name. The NDI stream name must be
unique locally, otherwise software such as NDI Studio Monitor may not be recognized. After the modification,
click the [Apply] button below to take effect in real time. You can see the modification result on the second
line of the OLED screen of the device.The default is NDI-X, and the firmwareupgrade will restore the
8. Encoding settings
8.1 Video format conversion
8.2 Modify the NDI stream name in the encoding state