Operation Within SEL-2030
Date Code 980420
SEL-2711 Instruction Manual
(continued from previous page)
1 000h = 1:METER:IA(A)
2 001h = 1:METER:IB(A)
3 002h = 1:METER:IC(A)
4 003h = 1:METER:VA(V)
5 004h = 1:METER:VB(V)
6 005h = 1:METER:VC(V)
7 006h = 2:METER:ia
8 007h = 2:METER:ib
9 008h = 2:METER:ic
10 009h = 2:METER:va
11 00Ah = 2:METER:vb
12 00Bh = 2:METER:vc
13 00Ch = 3:METER:IA
14 00Dh = 3:METER:IB
15 00Eh = 3:METER:IC
16 00Fh = 3:METER:VA
17 010h = 3:METER:VB
18 011h = 3:METER:VC
Save changes (Y/N) ?
USER database region too small: Current size = 0 Size needed = 18
Attempting to allocate larger USER region... Done.
Port 18 Settings Changed
The SEL-2711 will now automatically send this data to all the other nodes on the network.
Global data from the other nodes on the network is available in region D1. Simply VIEW this data
to see what is coming from the other nodes.
VIE 18 2060H NR 32<ENTER>
VIE 18 2060H NR 32<ENTER>
000Ch 0000h FFFFh FFFFh FFFFh FFFFh 0000h 0000h
0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h
0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h 0000h A39Ch 8000h
8000h 8000h 8000h 8000h 8000h 8000h 8000h 8000h
You will need to know the organization of the global data from each node to make use of it. You
can use this data in SET M equations or SEL
Control Equations. In the above example, we
viewed only the 32 registers of global data for the Modbus Plus node with address 4. See the
discussion of Incoming Global Data later in this chapter for more information.
To enable control operations, we must set up the destinations using SET P and also set up the
source of the control using SET L. To illustrate this, let’s create a control point that issues
commands to node and coil 37 based on the state of the SALARM bit. The following
illustrates this.