02.00 | SWS-L | Assembly and operating manual | en | 0389037
5.3 Tool Stand Design
Tool stand design is critical to proper operation of the SWS-L. Im-
properly designed tool stands can cause misalignments that will
cause jamming and/or excessive wear of SWS-L components.
Z-Compliance is required for the Tool Stand, in or-
der to ensure that the SWK-L remains fully contacted with the
SWA-L prior to issuing the Unlock command.
During coupling and lock-up the tool stand must allow for
movement (float) in a plane parallel to the mating surfaces of
the SWK-L and SWA-L, and in a direction perpendicular to this
plane, towards the SWK-L.
In most cases, the SWA-L are stored in a Tool Stand when not be-
ing used by the robot. During coupling and lock-up, the Tool Stand
must allow for movement (float) in a plane parallel with the mat-
ing surfaces of the SWK-L and SWA-L (X and Y directions). Even
slight misalignment between the SWK-L and SWA-L can generate
high forces during lockup if the SWA-L is not allowed to float into
place during lock-up. These high forces can cause excessive wear
and even jamming of the end-effector and robot. The degree of
float required depends on the accuracy of the robot’s positioning
and the repeatability of the SWA-L location in the Tool Stand dur-
ing lock-up. See following Figure and Table for recommended max-
imum allowable float (offsets) prior to coupling. The Tool Stand
should be designed to minimize misalignment during coupling and
uncoupling. In some cases, greater offsets than shown in the Table
can be accommodated by the SWK-L and SWA-L, but will increase
Ideally, the SWA-L should be hanging vertically in the tool stand so
that gravity acts to uncouple the SWA-L from the SWK-L during un-
, the Tool stand should have compliance in the Z dir-
ection. The robot should be programmed to fully seat the SWA-L in
the Tool Stand before issuing the Unlock command. The Unlock
sensors need to be active before pulling the SWK-L away.
It is possible to design Tool Stands that hold SWA-L in the hori-
zontal position, but care must be taken that the necessary compli-
ance is provided during coupling and uncoupling. In general, “hori-
zontalposition” Tool Stands cause more wear on the locking mech-
anism and locating features of the SWA-L and Tool Stand.