V02 | 10.2017
[Warm rinsing] field
Beverage dispensing with payment system (Option)
Payment for beverages (Option)
Means of payment
The following systems are available for payment:
Coin tester (payment by inserting coins or tokens)
Card reader (payment with credit card or badge system)
Contact-free (payment with credit card, smartphone app or badge system)
► Select beverage field [A] several times or other
different beverages.
Beverage dispensing begins or the selection
of additional beverage options opens.
► If necessary, cancel the beverage preselection
using field [B].
Complete started beverage dispensing.
► Overview of the preselected beverages, open
using field [C].
All preselected beverages (max. 4) are list-
► Adjust the number of beverages dispensed us-
ing field [D] with function ±.
The number of beverages dispensed can be
raised or lowered.
Up to max. 9 beverages can be set.
Beverages are dispensed in the order en-
► Press the [Warm rinsing] field.
The system is rinsed with hot water and prewarmed.
► Place a cup under the beverage outlet after rinsing.
► Select the desired beverage field.
The progress of the beverage dispensing is shown in [%] on the user interface.
► Remove the cup after the beverage has been dispensed.
The [Warm rinsing] field can be used to manually trigger rinsing in order to heat up the system after a lengthy break
in dispensing.
A warm rinsing process cannot be cancelled. A warm rinsing process takes ±40 sec. The progress is shown on the
user interface.
A payment system with coin changer makes it possible to dispense change. Before payment, the coffee machine
makes an announcement when there is no change available and payment should be made with correct change.
The time span reserved for payment can be configured by the service technician. If no payment is made for the or-
dered beverage during this time span, the order is cancelled. The user interface returns to the beverage selection.