V02 | 10.2017
Beverage options
Selecting dispensing option
Starting dispensing
Coffee beverages with manual inlet
The manual inlet makes it possible to prepare beverages with ground coffee.
► Select beverage option [E], [F] or [G].
Beverage options if configured:
[E] Dispensing as double beverage
[F] Dispensing with decaffeinated coffee
[G] (Barista) strength of the coffee
The three available coffee strengths are [1-light -15%],
[2-normal] and [3-15%].
Dispensing option if configured:
[H] ±1 – 9 (number of beverages dispensed)
[J] Small, medium or large
► Select [Produce now] field.
Instruction for cup/glass positioning appears.
► Position cup(s) or glass(es) on the cup platform as specified.
► Select [Produce now] field again.
Beverage dispensing starts.
A process display appears (if configured).
The end of beverage dispensing is displayed (if configured).
See "Operation" - "Dispensing beverage" - "Cup positioning aid".
A maximum of 4 tabs or beverage groups can be configured. A maximum of 8 beverages are available per tab or
beverage group.
The configuration for coffee beverages with ground coffee is available in the beverage settings. Configuration can
be done by the service technician.