Saia-Burgess Controls AG
Hardware manual for PCD3 series │ Document 26-789 ENG19│ 2018-06-29
Storage space on the PCD3
PCD3.Mxxx0 Classic CPU and expansion enclosure
Memory management (PCD3 with integrated μSD flash card)
The μSD flash card on the system board must not be removed under
any circumstances (it includes the firmware etc.)!
The Saia PCD3 Plus automation devices (red type plate,
PCD3.Mxx60) are equipped with an onboard μSD flash card.
When loading a user application with Saia PG5
, all the
necessary files are stored on the μSD card.
If the operating voltage is connected to the automation device
and there is no executable program in the user memory,
COSinus attempts to load a valid program from the μSD flash
card into the main memory on startup.
Saia PCD3.Mxx6x
Loading of the user program from PG5® onto Saia PCD® auto-
mation devices and allocation of different data between the
storage media.
Media (R, T, F)
File system
SRAM data
User program
RIO application
load as required
μSD flash card
secure on demand (backup)
User memory= RAM text/DB memory
In these systems, the RAM (Random Access Memory) includes text and DB
memory as well as the media (R, T, F). The address of the first RAM text/DB is set
in the PG5 build options.
All texts and DBs have a maximum size of 16383 elements (DBs) respectively
65535 bytes.
ROM text/DB cannot be written to the PCD3 power CPUs, whereas it was still
possible on earlier systems. The program is always loaded on these systems on
flash in the PCD and is therefore always available even if there is no battery The
program is always loaded on these systems on flash in the PCD and is therefore
always available even if there is no battery.