Hardware Manual PCD1.M2110R1 │ Document 27-619 │ Version ENG 04 │ 2018-08-20
Saia-Burgess Controls AG
2.1 Introduction
This manual describes the technical details of the PCD1.M2_ components.
The meaning of abbreviations, such as “LIO” can be found in the annex.
The purpose of this section is to introduce the basic principles for the planning
and installation of control systems with PCD1.M2
Details for the hardware, software, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting
are covered in the respective sections.
Instructions for connecting Saia-PCD
controllers to the internet
When Saia PCD controllers are connected directly to the internet, they are
also a potential target of cyber attacks. For secure operation, appropriate pro-
tective measures must always be taken.
PCD controllers include simple, built-in protection features. However, secure
operation on the internet is only ensured if external routers are used with a
firewall and encrypted VPN connections.
For more information, please refer to our support site:
Planning an application
When planning PCD1.M2_ applications, the following aspects must be taken into
The internal load current drawn by I/O modules from the +5V and V+ supply
must not exceed the nominal supply current of the CPU.
The CPU type determines the maximum number of modules.
When planning an application, we recommend the following procedure:
1. Select all I/O modules according to requirements.
2. If PCD2.Wxxx and PCD2.Hxxx modules are used, the load current at the inter-
nal +5V and V+ supplies must be calculated (maximum values should be used).