Sawn Craft Micro F-22 Manual
Page 13
1311101 Micro F-22 Manual.docx
glue to secure the motor wires around the slot. Plug the completed, longer motor wire into the
brick. Install the prop with the numbers facing forward.
Use glue to secure the motor to the airframe. Let glue cure fully before proceeding. Secure all
loose wires with tape or glue around the prop slot to ensure it is not damaged by the prop.
Attach a piece of hook and loop material to the side of the fuse, under the canopy for battery
mounting and adjustment.
Secure the push rod z-bends to the carbon rods by using glue and heat shrink tube. Adjust the
control rod length and then shrink the heat shrink tube to “lock” the z-bend wire in place to ensure
that the elevator and rudders are straight with the main wing and vertical stabilizers. Once the rod
length is set, install the control rods to the brick and control horns then attach the unglued control
horn to the z-bend and then glue the assembly in place.