Mobile PhoneTools
Sending an email
1. From the main menu, choose the [Send] option then select the
[Send E-mail] option. The Send email window appears. (Or you
can compose a new email from the Inbox, from main menu, select
the [Receive] option, then select the [Inbox] option)
2. Fill in the recipient(s)’s name and email address or click the
in order to get the information from the phonebook.
3. Enter the subject in Subject and the email text in the text field
below the Subject. you can enlarge the text edit field via pointing
the mouse cursor to the lower edge of the window (the cursor
takes an up-down arrow shape) and, while holding down the left
mouse button, drag the mouse until the window reaches the
desired size.
4. Click [Send].
You can use phonebook to store the details of your correspondents.
Do one of the following to access phonebook:
• Press the F5 key on your keyboard;
• Click the phonebook button
from the function panel;
• Click the Menu button, select the [Organizer] option then select
the [Phonebook] option.