The pump must be cleaned and serviced at regular intervals
in accordance with the degree of pollution existing witin the pump
operating environment. CAUTION : remove the top part of the pump
before emptying the tank.
La pompe doit être nettoyée régulièrement.La périodicité de
ce nettoyage varie en fonction du degré de pollution occasionné
par l’environnement. ATTENTION : retirer la partie supérieure de la
pompe avant de vider le bac.
La bomba debe ser limpiada y mantenida a intervalos
regulares, según el grado de contaminación existente en el entorno
de funcionamiento de la bomba. retirar la parte superior de la
bomba antes de vaciar el recipiente. IMPORTANTE : retirar la parte
superior de la bomba antes de vaciar el recipiente.
Der Niveauschalter muß je nach Verschmutzungsgrad des
Einbauortes regelmäßig gereinigt werden. VORSICHT: vor dem
Leeren des Behälters Pumpeneinheit herausnehmen. VORSICHT:
vor dem Leeren des Behälters Pumpeneinheit herausnehmen.
La pompa deve essere pulita regolarmente. La frequenza della
pulizia dipenderà dal grado d’inquinamento dell’ambiente.
ATTENzIONE: Rimuovere la parte superiore della pompa prima di
svuotare il serbatoio.
95% H
If the pump doesn’t start,
check the wiring
and incoming power supply.
For any problem, check :
- the discharge lines are neither obstructed nor
- the float inside the pump unit is not blocked
- the hydraulic inlets nor outlets are not obstructed
If the pump is running continuously (>1min),
- the discharge height is < 10 m,
- the pump is suitable for the capacity of the air
conditioning unit,
- while starting of the pump, the flow of the water
poured into the collection tray was not too high (ex:
1l in 30s=60l/h >>20l/h).
If the pump cycles continually or does not
shut off,
- check the pump is mounted level.
- turn the pump off and check water doesn’t return
down the discharge line. If water returns down the
line you should change the pump.
- check for siphon effect – when the pump turns
off check for air inside the discharge pipes – if air
is present then the pump is siphoning.