76 Programming
Number of rounds
– the number of attempts made by the control panel to notify the selected
telephone number about the event, if the message reception has not been acknowledged.
If the value 0 is entered, messaging for the indicated telephone number will be disabled.
Any code
– with this option enabled, it is possible to acknowledge the voice message
reception from the telephone keypad, using any sequence of 4 digits.
– 4 digits which, when entered from the telephone keypad, will acknowledge reception
of the voice message.
If no code has been programmed to acknowledge receipt of the voice message, nor
the A
option has been enabled, the control panel will recognize receipt of the
message as acknowledged when the receiver is picked up after two rings and any
sound occurs.
– if a code has been programmed to acknowledge receipt of the voice message or the
option has been enabled, a user can be assigned to the telephone. Thus, if the
INT-VG module is connected to the control panel, the user will be automatically granted
access to the voice menu after acknowledgement of the voice messaging.
Fig. 12. Example of messaging settings in the D
X program.
10.1.2 Events assignment
Enter the following information for the events of which the control panel is to notify:
number of the voice or text message by means of which messaging will be effected;
telephones which will be notified.
10.1.3 Clearing
In partitions
[Msg.abort in P.]
For each telephone, you can indicate partitions in which clearing an alarm will cancel
messaging that alarm (messaging to that telephone number will be canceled, but can be
continued to other numbers).
After acknowledgement
[Msg.abort on T.]
You can indicate telephones which will not be notified about the event, if the control panel
receives acknowledgement that the voice message has been received by another, indicated
10.1.4 Pager messages
Define the content of messages which will be used for PAGER type messaging.