34 Programming
Partition type
Armed with code
[Normal] – the partition can be armed/disarmed by the user.
With temporary blocking
[With time bypass] – the partition can be armed/disarmed by the
user, but on arming the partition is blocked for a time indicated by the user or determined
by the installer (see D
option). When blocked, the partition can only be
disarmed by the user having the A
right. An alarm
can end the blocking (see A
Follow type "AND"
[Dependent "AND"] – the partition controlled by status of other partitions.
You should indicate the partitions whose status affects the dependent partition. The
dependent "AND" type of partition will be armed when all indicated partitions are armed
(start of the procedure of arming the last of the indicated partitions will initiate the
procedure of arming the dependent partition). The dependent "AND" type of partition will
be disarmed when any of the indicated partitions is disarmed. This type of partition is
recommended in case of shared corridors.
Follow type "OR"
[Dependent "OR"] – the partition controlled by status of other partitions.
You should indicate the partitions whose status affects the dependent partition. The
dependent "OR" type of partition will be armed when any of the indicated partitions is
armed (start of the procedure of arming any of the indicated partitions will initiate the
procedure of arming the dependent partition). The dependent "OR" type of partition will be
disarmed when all indicated partitions are disarmed.
Access according to timer 1...32
[Acc. by t. 1..32] /
Access according to timer 33...64
[Acc. by t.33..64] – the partition can be armed/disarmed by the user, but only within the
time intervals set by the indicated timers.
Controlled by timer 1...32
[Tim. 1..32 ctrl] /
Controlled by timer 33...64
[Tim. 33..64 ctrl] –
the partition, which is armed in time periods determined by selected timers, but may also
be controlled by the user code.
Bank vault
– the partition can be armed / disarmed by the user. Disarming may be delayed
by a defined period of time (see: D
). After it has been disarmed, the partition
can be automatically re-armed after a defined period of time elapses (see: T
Partition exit delay
– the time counted from the start of the procedure of arming (by the
user, timer, zone, etc.), which allows to leave the protected area without triggering an
Auto-arming delay
[Auto-arm delay] – the time counted before starting the procedure of
arming by timer. It allows the user to postpone or cancel the auto-arming.
Alarm verification time
[Al. verify time] – the time counted from the triggering alarm by
a zone included in alarm verification (with enabled P
or W
option). If during the count another zone included in the alarm verification triggers an
alarm, a verified alarm will be triggered.
Guard round (on armed) every
[Guard - armed] – the maximum period of time that can
elapse since the last guard round when the partition is armed. If the time is exceeded,
information about the lack of guard round will be saved to the control panel memory.
Programming the value 0 will disable the control of guard round.
Guard round (on disarmed) every
[Guard - disarm.] – the maximum period of time that can
elapse since the last guard round when the partition is disarmed. If the time is exceeded,
information about the lack of guard round will be saved to the control panel memory.
Programming the value 0 will disable the control of guard round.
Blocked for guard round
[Time for guard] – the time counted from the moment of
registering the guard round, during which the partition is blocked.